RTTS / MLB 22 Completely bugged out
Ever since I made a new ball player, after I made and maxed out my SS ball player build my entire game as been bugged out. I tired making a filthy slugging pitcher and my entire game is bugged out for good now until a patch. RTTS and online gameplay is completely terrible as I skip and lag every second and the sound of the game cuts in and out all game. I also can’t get my SS build to load back up and be able to put into my lineup as normal with all of his loadout and equipment equipped. They have to fix this because my entire game is completely bugged and I have no idea how to fix. This years MLB is so buggggged!
Bro that’s like really bad. I haven’t heard anybody else like that. I’m not even sure a patch would fix that if it’s your entire game
Delete and reinstall sounds like the only option
I just had the same problem. I deleted the new ball player I made then it went back to normal and I could use my 1st player smh
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