Issue with RTTS Player in DD
Road to the Show
Wondering if anyone has seen this or has thoughts on how to fix. I have grinded out (2) CAP's, a 2b and a 3b.
I want to use my 3b CAP is dd, so I go into my cap and change to to be the "active" CAP, yet.....when I go into DD, all I see is my 2b CAP still, even though the 3b is active.
When I even go to load the cap and select the 2b one, is asks me to choose the active loadout, which strangely shows as my 3b, and I select that load out, but it still shows the 2b card and out of position.
I have tried everything to fix this.....but not sure what I am doing wrong. Any one have this issue?
Thanks in advance.
I have this same issue and I have not found any fixes yet