First time diamond dynasty questions
New to diamond dynasty this year but an experienced grinder when it comes to the single player modes. My team is full of FOTF 90 ovr players at the moment, but what's the difference between those and the regular live diamond cards? I also have 50k stubs that I have no idea what to spend on because my team is already solid overall. Is there something I'm missing here? Do I just spend stubs to complete collections?
The live series diamonds go up and down in attributes based on real life factors. The FOTF cards will not chnge other than by pxp.
And the goal of DD is basically to collect them all. Later in the year they will release collections with usually really good rewards.
Use the 50k to flip cards on the market to gain more stubs, again to buy cards needed for the collections. You will figure it out as you go.
Welcome btw!!!Edit: also don't buy packs.
Yes you want to save your stubs to complete collections. For example the live series collection features 99 Randy Johnson, 99 Roberto Clemente and 99 Frank Thomas but you need to collect every live series card in the game. It’s much more efficient to start with the the most expensive LS cards first (Mike Trout, 350,000 stubs) and then work your way down. Save those stubs and don’t be tempted to purchase any low overall card such as 88 Randy Johnson when you’re better off going for his 99. Hope this helps
I come from madden ultimate team so seeing a solid team without spending money THIS early is unheard of! Is there really a huge difference once I start to hit the parallel lvl 5 on my FOTF players compared to some of the "better" cards?
For example, Joe Mauers 96 card, If I get my FOTF catcher to 93/94/95 ovr from pxp, why would I even consider doing that set for him when my catcher was 100% free? Is it worth all those stubs for just a few ovr boost? or is it just for the Player name at that point?
In that case you’re right but also keep in mind there will be a 99 overall Joe Mauer card in the future.. so while your FoTF catcher with pxp is really solid you’re going to want to have stubs available when his top card drops later down the line
Live series cards will be upgraded and downgraded about every other Friday, based upon real world performance over a three year span. This can make a cards value go up or down a lot.