Here’s how the hitting should be.
Here me out. I don’t mind not getting rewarded for all my good contact. But if you are going to make a player line out on good good good squared and perfect perfect. Then you CANT have homers on good ok. Late weak hits and bad inputs. That is my one and only gripe. It completely randomizes gameplay. I don’t want it to help or hurt me. If you make the hitting HARD fine. But good ok oppo fielders after the the other team hit perfect perfect good squared and good good for outs just doesn’t sit right with me as far as gameplay. And literally doesn’t make any sense.
This isn’t complaining it’s an observation. The hitting is better with this patch no doubt. But it can be even better. Harder hitting with more rewards imo is the perfect game. The randomizing is played out.
I stopped reading at “Here me out”
Lol from some if your other posts it sounds like you stopped even before then but didnt stop you from posting an opinion though!
Gave up a late okay 88mph hr on a down and in curveball today. Haven’t seen that before.