Auto shift when pitching
Please SDS, for the love of the game, remove auto-shift for the infield when our players are pitching, OR implement a pop-up window telling me when the infield has shifted. It’s SO annoying to get a batter 0-2 and have him roll over a curveball or sinker that scoots through the side of the infield because the game auto-shifted the infield when I specifically turned auto shift OFF in settings because shifts do not work in this game. Literally hundreds of ground balls right to all infield positions that have weakly rolled past for hits. So so SO frustrating. Please remove auto shift in RTTS when our players are pitching.
My R3 button is gonna be worn out by the time ‘22 releases because I have to open the hitters eye every batter to see what ridiculous shift the game is auto-generating. Then when I pitch to shifts guess what happens, the computer hits a ground ball where there is normally a fielder. -
Yeah, what he said. So true.