need a better way to make stubs. Auction house is garbage.
The auction house is absolute trash, it takes way to long just to navigate and sell cards. I sell a card then have to hit the back button go back to the inventory and filter it out just to sell another card. There is no reason there should be that many obstacles just to sell a card.
Not sure how you're selling cards, but if you go to the auction house, set your filters, and find your player, you can create multiple sell orders without ever leaving the screen
Use the CC. That’s quickest way
@Hikes83 @ryansitko11 I don’t know what the hell im doing lol what is the CC?
The right-most tab in the diamond dynasty menu is the community market tab. Go there, go to players, and press square. This will allow you to search for a specific player's name, or set filters (e.g. search only for left fielders). I typically just pick whatever position the guy I'm selling plays. After you set your filter, find your player, and create a sell order. After you finish making that first order, you should still be on the same screen, where you'll be able to create another sell order. Rinse and repeat