New rookie beginning league starting soon
Going to be starting a new rookie league sometime after new years. No details yet as far as how many teams. It'll be veteran difficulty. Looking for players that are new to the game, haven't played a lot, or players that have a bad record overall and want to play people more to their level of competition. Guys that are in leagues and have no wins or just a couple wins. Those are the guys this league is recruiting. I know they might be hard to find but I'm sure gonna try because the newbies and not so good players deserve a league of their own lol.
Also, as I'm still fairly new to custom leagues I have some questions. Anybody that has been in charge of leagues, especially leagues that have actually finished, please get with me
@sportsfanms_psn said in New rookie beginning league starting soon:
Also, as I'm still fairly new to custom leagues I have some questions. Anybody that has been in charge of leagues, especially leagues that have actually finished, please get with me
Say bro I'm on discord but it won't let me friend you. Says you have it turned off. Hit me up. Nater Tater #2926
I have a new league...Bring ya A game.... Join us winner of the world series wins $50