Compression Sleeve Glitch??
Diamond Dynasty
This happened last year too and it’s very annoying. When trying to equip a comp sleeve on my cap 3B (not sure if that matters) it correctly puts a full sleeve ONLY on his left arm. When I go to switch it to the right arm (throwing arm obviously) it “glitches” to a 3/4 comp, then when I switch back to left arm it’s still a 3/4 sleeve. Only way to properly equip the comp sleeve is to have it on his left (glove arm) so either I leave it on his glove arm or make him a lefty 3B which looks all sorts of weird... help?! @Victor_SDS
I am Having this same problem
In the equptment screen after you tap triangle to adjust to right arm it will appear as 3/4 sleeve but it should appear correctly in game.