Team Affinities
Any suggestions of fastest, cheapest, easiest ways to complete TA's?
Cheap not not easiest:showdown
Easiest but not fast:MTO -
Yeppp. Completely right.
You could also stack your whole team up with a certain teams players and just play conquest games its faster than mto i got almost the 10 prospects needed for the collection in a day
@ZBlu_11 said in Team Affinities:
Any suggestions of fastest, cheapest, easiest ways to complete TA's?
I've done a few of these so far, here's my contribution:
- Do the moment and the team missions
- I typically only do one round of exchanges
- Load up team with all players from that team and blow through a bunch of vs CPU games. They take about 20 min ea. and get you XP toward good cards. Vary the difficulty so it doesn't get stale. I also play 2 full ranked games to get the extra 2 points. I'm sure people laugh when they see my teams during match up, haha.
- I do not do the collection or MTO.
I've done Gallo, Tatis, Torres, and Olsen, now working Blackmon. I have fun with it, for some it could get boring.
Anyone know how long an average MTO run takes? I've tried Showdown but it's infuriating sometimes and just gives me too much stress, but I've actually enjoyed playing MTO.
@Xx_Smalls_xX21 said in Team Affinities:
Anyone know how long an average MTO run takes? I've tried Showdown but it's infuriating sometimes and just gives me too much stress, but I've actually enjoyed playing MTO.
My son plays MTO for me and says it's about 8 hours give or take.