Taxes vs Quick Sell
How do so many people not understand how the 10% tax on transactions works? I see tons of gold cards listed for sale for less than $1,111 stubs and diamond cards listed for less than $5,556 stubs after roster updates. After taxes, they receive less than $1k for gold cards and less than $5k for diamond cards. They could instantaneously make more stubs on these cards by quick selling them without tax instead of listing them for sale on the market with tax. Are they just dumb or am I missing something?
They probably don’t know there isn’t a tax for quick sell. I remember years ago before the minimum buy order was put in place that people would sell golds for under 1,000.
Some don't pay attention probably and others don't care. At the end of last year I was selling all my stuff at a loss to help others that had buy orders up that benefited them. It's all a game in the long run.
Stupid is as stupid does
Most people don’t understand the tax or are intentionally trying to short the market to make their investments more valuable. You know that someone is shorting the market when you see like 100 buy now orders at a price that is significantly lower than the next lowest buy order. Then there is just the stupid person who doesn’t quite get it.
I quite honestly believe its just [censored] people. The same [censored] people that will drop card values by hundreds or sometimes thousands of stubs for what appears to be no reason at all unless they just dont like having stubs which I believe having as many stubs as possible is part of the game. Maybe they have everycard and max stubs n just want to be douche bags n ruin someone else's chance at making the most they can