What's left???
I've enjoyed my first season of DD and The Show Immensely and am really hoping there is some more good content to be released. The postseason programs have been decent, not amazing.
The companion apps schedule is about a week behind,
The schedule on the console doesn't mention if there will be daily moments for November although I think I saw in a tweet there will be.
I know there's a new conquest map on Tuesday and TA5 in a few weeks.Is there anything else you all can think of that might be released at this stage in the game? Any more inning programs? Collections? Etc.
I know nobody has a crystal
or if you do, please tell me they'll add TA6,7 and 8.
Finest for sure coming soon.
I know nobody has a crystal
or if you do, please tell me they'll add TA6,7 and 8.
I'm 99.997% sure that TA5 is the last of the TA series. From previous years, we still saw an All-Time program and Extreme Program. It's looking like we may not have those this year.
TA 5 should be Finest. Doubt they do any TA after that.
Should have a WS Program. Probably at least another two or three Inning Programs, with the last one hopefully recapping 1 thru 10 or 11. At least one more BR program.
I doubt they'll do anything after the Christmas holiday as they be getting ready for 22.
Once TA5 is released on November 19th we would have already had the World Series program and the 9th inning program drop IIRC. SDS will still have to have some coverage from Nov. 19th through the next release. I still think we see Moments/Conquest Extreme.