Can any of the center fielder archetypes get to 99 overall in RTTS?
For some reason, try as I might, I can't get any of the center fielder archetypes (Spoke/El Nino/Dart/Belli/Cool Papa) to 99 in RTTS. My stats are all maxed to 50. Is there some combination of perks I'm just not seeing with a particular archetype?
Yes, I know equipment boosts rating in-game, and I know that you can technically use any archetype at any position (Ya Adrian hits 99 at center stupidly fast); but I like seeing the little 99 in the corner when in the menus.
Anybody have success getting one of the center field archetypes to 99 overall?
I maxed out the speed archetype "Lark" and then when you pretty much max out everything BUT power, including contact, speed, fielding, with decent power, i got to 99.
Well, yes, I know other position archetypes can hit 99 in center, but I'm specifically asking whether the CF archetypes can hit 99 while in center: Spoke, El Nino, Dart, Belli, and Cool Papa.
As I said, I know others can, but I cannot get those 5 to 99, even with all stats maxed and trying basically every perk combination I could think of.