event and a toxic player
I was playing a event game against a very toxic player today I was winning 2-0 and he was batting in the bottom of the 1st inning.
He was holding R2 down every pitch forever and bunts dancing. He foul off so many pitches just in the first inning Buehler energy was almost gone. I was due up in the top of the 2nd inning so I decided to start warming up my bullpen before he is up again. I went to the bullpen menu when I was at bat in the 2nd inning to select what pitcher I wanted to warm up and the pitcher card art and it's attributes got stuck on my screen then in the background the other player name came up and I can hear the game was going on still. I couldn't do anything because the card art was frozen on my screen still I can hear the umpire call strikes . Then it said I forfeit the game. So I don't know if it is a bug or it was him. -