Tips for hitting outlier
So I still have trouble with outlier. I've kind of tried everything including the monitor with a quick response time and going to practice mode many times but I'm still very inconsistent at catching up to that heat. Last night I'm watching a streamer before I go to sleep and someone in his chat asked if he had any tips for hitting outlier. He's playing on a ps5 so he says his biggest tip is to go into settings and turn off the bluetooth for the controller and use your controller wired and it will help greatly.
Has anyone else tried this? I know a wired internet connection is supposed to help but hadn't heard this. I did get a chance to give it a try before I went to work earlier and played one event game and of course luckily faced Degrom and I will say that is the best I've hit Degrom's 4 seamer ever and I was actually very early on a couple which would never happen for me. Now it was a very small 1 1/2 inning sample size so I'm going to give it a go again tonight but just wondered if anyone else had been doing this.