Playstation players who go directional when they are in trouble are they trash?
I tried it and it's baby hitting u just gotta be close. Put that PCI on the ball and play baseball. Seems week when you can't touch the ball then switch to where you just have to be aiming in the direction.
I have it's actually not. Way easier to put bat on ball the usin a PCI. Tried it once when I couldn't hit a guy and broke up his perfect game using directional. That's when I realized what ppl were doin when the kept pausin then all of a sudden can get hits
I use directional on moments for Xbh or HR if I can’t get it the first few times. I love zone but it does get me swinging out of the zone sometimes because I can get hits outside the black. With directional you ain’t hitting anything on the black unless it’s down so helps me take pitches sometimes. That’s why I like it vs cpu only. I would never use it online 🤯