Can't hit anymore - help!
Road to the Show
Been playing RTTS pretty much all summer.
2nd baseman with Cardinals. Everything ranked up. Great equipment.
First 4+ seasons:
1 .307 20 HR 83 RBI
2 .312 26 HR 73 RBI
3 .293 24 HR 82 RBI
4 .304 43 HR, 119 RBIFour silver sluggers, 4 ASG appearances...
Now, 38 games into season 5: Hitting .197.
Literally can't do anything. Nothing falls. My K rate is down, my BB rate is a little low but fairly consistent. I am not chasing pitches. My timing is "Good" probably 90% of the time. I just can't do anything at all.
I have tried switching from Directional to Zone hitting. I tried changing my sliders - nothing is working. I cannot get hits.
What the hell is happening?