Field of Dreams Franchise.
I would love to see some sort of franchise mode that let's you create a player and play in the late 50s or early 60s. Playing next to some of the greats of those times and in the old stadiums for a full season would be awesome for someone like me who loves the old school baseball era. Maybe a storyline where your the rookie that tries to save the St Louis Browns, Washington Senators or continuing the dominance of the Yankees would be just crazy fun. Maybe being able to unlock old school equipment and uniforms. Just something I would really like to be able to do.
I like that idea. I too am a fan of the old school baseball era. Maybe include all the old school teams including Seattle Pilots, New York Giants, Brooklyn Dodgers, so on an so forth.
I think that is a great idea. There are a lot of old school baseball fans that would love some of these historic options built into The Show. They should hire a couple of people that are knowledgeable of the history of baseball and it's past to incorporate some of these great ideas into their game. All time rosters, all time teams, all the old stadiums, etc. Seems like there are enough people who want this that some of these things should be added.