This will be the last TA right??
Just wondering cuz after doing all the exchanges I still have a ton of live series diamonds left over. Thinking about selling em all
Oops it doubled
They didnt say. most likely not.
With the way it has been structured this year, we may actually still see another. I don't think it's guaranteed by any means though.
Will get at least one more, unless finest is in a program format like FOD (field of dreams) this year.
This is my first year playing DD and I have not been disappointed. I know last years TA was 4 seasons but they also had it broken down by team so there were 30 programs instead of 6. According to my brief research the final TA last year wasn't released until November, does that sound right to the vets in here? I hope that would mean we'd get 1 more.
Likely a 5th season for finest that will be more like the season 3 with only 100 point