Customer Support
I’m more or less making this post to vent about the customer support from SDS. Let me start off by saying that I got myself into this situation by accidentally selecting a duplicate card from the 42 series, and that error is on me. The first reason why I’m frustrated is because it took them a whole month to get back to me about the error. The other reason why I’m frustrated is because I feel like the support employee didn’t really take the time to resolve my issue. Here’s our conversation:
Me: “ I accidentally selected a duplicate Jason Heyward from the NL central team affinity 1 program. I need 42 series Ke’ Bryan Hayes to complete the set. I was wondering if this issue could be fixed.”
Support guy: “ Hello- thank you for the message. Sorry this is happening to you. What exact card are you looking for?”
This was a week ago and I have yet to get a response. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought I very clearly stated which card that I needed. Has anyone else had any issues similar to this?