I will only attempt the SD if I'm near the end of the program and there isn't many days left. I'm not putting up with the BS they pull in that mode if I don't have to.
Ya got to 15-15 with about 10-11 outs left. Couldn't touch the ball. Tried bunting when I got down to 5 outs left and just pop ups to Cather. I hate Nolan Ryan
@dewrock_psn said in Showdown:
@kotank1334_psn said in Showdown:
So can SDS just admit that when you're close to beating the boss the difficulty changes.
Had no problem getting from the 12-15 deficit to 15-15. Now Ryan looks like we're on HOF or Legend.
Pretty dirty pool
Haha, that's how mine played out as well. I got it from 11-15 to 14-15 with two runners on fairly easy. Then I struck out like 6-7 times in a row.
Funny thing is that I then loaded the bases and hit a contact swing grand slam to win.
Lol. nice ! I gave it one more shot this morning and got it done.
@soccer10pick_psn said in Showdown:
My guess is they gassed him up so people will go buy him because of the upfront negative appeal to his pitch rep. But now having people jump in to showdown and face him, I think the goal was for players to walk away and go “wow he’s nasty, I gotta go buy him!”
That's EXACTLY what I was thinking.
@schwizzle_nizzle said in Showdown:
I will only attempt the SD if I'm near the end of the program and there isn't many days left. I'm not putting up with the BS they pull in that mode if I don't have to.
Did that in the 4th; no way would have got to max without SD and double XP
@soccer10pick_psn said in Showdown:
My guess is they gassed him up so people will go buy him because of the upfront negative appeal to his pitch rep. But now having people jump in to showdown and face him, I think the goal was for players to walk away and go “wow he’s nasty, I gotta go buy him!”
Not going to lie. I felt what way lol
@yankblan_psn said in Showdown:
@schwizzle_nizzle said in Showdown:
I will only attempt the SD if I'm near the end of the program and there isn't many days left. I'm not putting up with the BS they pull in that mode if I don't have to.
Did that in the 4th; no way would have got to max without SD and double XP
Funny, I've completed all programs so far without technically needing it. Just part of my OCD to make sure I finish. I want that 90+ pack again since it gave me Trout in the 4th inning and I'm hopeful to get him again.