Valuable Quirks - Dead Red & Breaking Ball Hitter ?
Anyone know if these or any others are extremely valuable?
I tried to compare a few top players at their position and for example
Chipper Jones has
Hitting Machine - Excels at getting base hits
Bomber - Excels at hitting home runs
20 Vision - Rarely misses the ball when swinging
Walker - Excels at drawing walks and check swinging
Pressure Cooker - Performs better when there are runners on base
Unbreakable - Avoids injuries and recovers energy at a high rateWhile the new Jose Ramirez has
Hitting Machine - Excels at getting base hits
20 Vision - Rarely misses the ball when swinging
Pressure Cooker - Performs better when there are runners on base
Homebody - Performs better when playing at home
First-Pitch Hitter - Excels at hitting the first pitch of an at-bat
Dead Red - Excels at hitting fastballs
Breaking Ball Hitter - Excels at hitting breaking balls
Unfazed - Excels when hitting with 2 strikes
Rally Monkey - Performs better when team is behind
Day Player - Performs better when playing day gamesIf these quirks work, I could see those along with rally monkey and maybe even unfazed being difference makers? It's a lot that he has that Chipper doesn't..
the only things Chipper has that he doesn't is Bomber, Walker, and unbreakable... two out of three of those you could say aren't valuable at allAlso when comparing a lot of the top First basemen..
David Ortiz, Prince Fielder, Pete Alonso, Jim Thome have typical quirks that you'd expect but then not two that I noticed Jared Walsh has: Dead Red and Breaking ball hitter does that automatically make him top tier? I played a bit with him and i felt like I was getting solid contact way more than I ever did with David Ortiz or Jim ThomeJust looking to get some thoughts and opinions. Or if anyone has anything I could look up on youtube that explains the quirks better that would be awesome too.
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Active quirks(aka the only ones that do anything at all) are on live series, player of the month and 2021 allstar cards only. The only quirks that do anything on other card series is outlier and pop time
I would say first pitch hitter is useless. No one ever throws you a strike on the first pitch.
Outlier and Poptime are only ones that do anything that im aware of. Who knows though, sds dont explain nottin
Breaking ball hitter, dead red, 1st pitch hitter, unfazed, day/night player, homebody/road warrior,rally monkey,pressure cooker, and the pitching oneshave an in game effect, the rest are just titles.