Team affinity - MTO order of allocation
Hopefully someone can help me on this. I'm currently grinding my way through multiple March To Octobers in order to help complete Season 2 of Team Affinity, although it looks like I'll be timed out given the imminent release of Season 3.
My question surrounds what happens if you complete any MTO stage once Season 3 launches (whether you have a MTO in-progress at that point or not). Does the game assign newly earned Team Affinity points first to any incomplete seasons per division (i.e. season 2) or will they be automatically allocated to the newest season (i.e. season 3).
As a similar situation has already arisen at the point of season 2 launching, I'm hopeful someone knows the answer!
Thanks in advance for your help.
You will get credit in both TAs so if you get 10 points for TA2 you will also get 10 points for TA 3
Thanks for clearing that up. That's even better. The pressure is off then!
Unless you really enjoy MTO, I highly suggest against doing it just to grind team affinity. The MTO seasons are incredibly long and require way more playing than they should. I did one on rookie with the Yankees earlier this year to grind for affinity. I won every moment it had me do and I ended up having a record of 148-14 in the season. There was no way to sim or quit out of the moments (I would have been happy to take some Ls after going up so much). Also, in the postseason they make you play the final 3-5 innings of every single game. And for all of this you get nothing other than the affinity points. I decided it was faster and easier to just make a DD lineup of all players from one division and then just grind conquest. That way you are getting stats that count towards parallel upgrades, and you get the conquest rewards.
Just my 2 cents.