Meter Pitching , attributes to look for
Diamond Dynasty
Meter Pitching
Which card attributes effect ease of meter pitching?
Control? BB/9?
And if so, in how does it effect the meter exactly.
Switching to meter pitching and would like to know more about it.
It’s the same you would look for with pinpoint. If you hit the meter perfect you’re pitch will be within the par. It’s just less forgiving than PPP if you don’t hit the meter.
Metered pitching tends to be a bit iffy in terms of control as when playing online, the ball tends to float right into your opponent's wheel house.
What i am asking is which card attributes effect ease of use.
Both BB/9 and Control will have an effect on where the pitch goes by how much you miss by on the meter. Find windups that you hit the meter with consistently.
Jun 29, 2021, 2:09 AM
Jun 29, 2021, 2:23 AM