Dave parker program
Dave sucks. Tried zone and directional hitting and cannot for the life of me hit a single home run out of AT&T park. Feel’s like he swings a wet pool noodle
do the missions instead of moments its easier
@davisonkj17_PSN I don’t have a solid internet connection to play online. There’s a terrible lag every time I try and it makes it unplayable. Which sucks because so many of these programs have such better rewards for online challenges. I wish they offered 50/50 online to offline challenges that both accomplished the same thing
Power swing. The PCI will be smaller so you will be less likely to get weak contact off some random part of the bat.
get in a hitters count 2-0,2-1,3-0 , 3-1. I did it second at bat. placed PCI a little lower than the waist and pulled it using power swing.
The best part of this was after all the pitching around and other fun moments type stuff, a pitch right down the middle and a perfect perfect flew right to triples alley and died in front of the new wall section.
Seen a bunch of people comparing about these moments, I only have the 2 HRs in 2 games left and knocked out the other moments in about 30 mins