I asked this a few days ago in an older thread and it got buried, so imma ask one more time. What’s the consensus on Story/Leiters price once new BR season drops? They’ve held pretty steady the last couple weeks, so I’m not sure if they’re going to drop much more once new rewards are out. Appreciate any other thoughts.
They’ll hold their price, They are top tier for their positions and their price is justified
@metoxiiic_psn said in Story/Leiter:
They’ll hold their price, They are top tier for their positions and their price is justified
Thinking that as well, but I didn’t play last year, so not sure if the BR program changes any of the prices going forward too much.
New BR cards will come out that will likely be 99s and higher priced in market. So long as the market price of the new cards is higher than Story/Leiter then no one will select Story/Leiter out of the BR pack and thus no more will enter the market.
So, the only thing that would cause their prices to drop without an influx of cards is supply/demand. If a better SS comes out you may likely see a sell off of Story as people shift their investment. But that would be a short term shock. Because you have a lot of players (like me) who try and collect everything a lot of people won’t sell. Hard to say if the market will be like LY for these BR cards but by the end of the year they were all at 1M stubs as people just tried to collect them all and had stubs to burn.
@savagesteve74 said in Story/Leiter:
I asked this a few days ago in an older thread and it got buried, so imma ask one more time. What’s the consensus on Story/Leiters price once new BR season drops? They’ve held pretty steady the last couple weeks, so I’m not sure if they’re going to drop much more once new rewards are out. Appreciate any other thoughts.
I'm not sure who can beat Story's power/speed/defense combo.
I have Al Leiter SF #37 and Vida Blue SF #3 ....... Al Leiter is the best pitcher in the game right now and will be for a long time, might end up in the rotation all year. Nobody throws a heavier ball than AL .... just canon balls.
Really depends on how good the next BR rewards are. I fully expect them to be better, in which case Leiter and Story will rise in price until the price evens out with the new ones. If for whatever reason the new BR rewards are like Brooks Robinson and Christy Mathewson then story and Leiter will stay the same or drop lol
@the_dragon1912 said in Story/Leiter:
Really depends on how good the next BR rewards are. I fully expect them to be better, in which case Leiter and Story will rise in price until the price evens out with the new ones. If for whatever reason the new BR rewards are like Brooks Robinson and Christy Mathewson then story and Leiter will stay the same or drop lol
If Next BR rewards are better: story/Leiter will rise. if worse: they fall.
That makes no sense
Um, yeah. It’s supply and demand. When I get the BR pack I’m taking the guy I can sell for the most. If the new cards are going for less than Story then I’ll take Story (not likely but I guess possible). If I take Story and sell him that is one more Story in circulation. Rare cards will ultimately cost more so more cards in circulation will mean lower prices over time.
I'm saving up for Al right now because I want him before he's no longer available. I got Story already. I assume their price will skyrocket when you can't pull them from a pack.
@schwizzle_nizzle said in Story/Leiter:
I'm saving up for Al right now because I want him before he's no longer available. I got Story already. I assume their price will skyrocket when you can't pull them from a pack.
You can still pull them from the pack.
Yeah. They won’t drop from the BR pack next week. Would be the season after that.
@the_dragon1912 said in Story/Leiter:
@schwizzle_nizzle said in Story/Leiter:
I'm saving up for Al right now because I want him before he's no longer available. I got Story already. I assume their price will skyrocket when you can't pull them from a pack.
You can still pull them from the pack.
I'm talking about later in the year. I doubt they'll always be available.
When they drop a Tatis then Story will tank. When could that be? I have no clue but he is the cover boy so I’d expect some kind of card soon. I’m guessing all star break