3rd day in a row I can't login to the servers
It's now the 3rd day in a row I can't play Diamond Dynasty because my game won't connect to the servers on Xbox Series X. Every other game works perfectly fine, I double checked my router settings, un- and reinstalled the game, but nothing works. I can't get any connection to the servers. Does anyone else have these kind of issues?
What does it say exactly?
Sometimes I get the notification "The connection to the show servers has been lost" in the main menu after selecting Diamond Dynasty and sometimes it does't even boot into the main menu and gets stuck in the loading screen and I have to restart the game.
I started having issues with server time limit since yesterday. I didn't get new router or change my network settings. I already contacted Sony and Google for router support and they don't know what the issue is. I can connect using a hotspot but if I use my home network it wont connect to the PSN. I already added the port forwarding Sony provided me and still not working. Weird thing is if I delete my network from the system and set up new connection again it works 8/10 times but sometimes when I try playing ranked, BR or events it wont load into them but it will load into the other. i.e. I can connect to RS but when I tried events I get a server time limit error. I already ordered a new router but I didn't want to spend $200+ on one.
Has anyone had issues before with server time limit? This only happens when it tries connecting to the PSN. I can download updates in the background but I can't connect to the PSN servers for some reason.