Stealing bases
Has anyone noticed that when you get caught stealing 2nd, if you go back and watch the replay, when the runner starts to run for a full second the player gets stuck in an animation where he is visibly being slowed down. Like he's running in slow motion.
On attempts where you are succesful stealing the base, the runner takes off smoothly. The slow running in place animation doesn't happen.
Why? Is this the games program trying to limit steals?
Edit. I checked both online and offline and its the same.
I've noticed, as an offline player that on some infield pop ups, the fielder either skates or speeds up with a speed burst to get under it.
Also, the bigger one offline are ground outs. How does a guy with let's say, 53 speed make every play close as in 'by two or 3 steps?' A.I. Sliders, of course -