Fairly Easy Game this Year.
This year is prolly like my 4 or 5th year playing the show and I feel the moments and evolutions and programs are pretty straight forward and easy. I’ve completed all the moments and programs so far and only issues I have it the conquest mode set up. Why are we wasting time simming games instead of just playing them in some orderly fashion. But either way first inning program wasn’t too bad even though I barely finished and bought the pre order 3 day early access. (Game was totally bugged out first week or 2) I think the game should just have much more content released earlier in The season and not so much later. By time the summer is over I’m pretty much exhausted with the game and the end game players just are all Op any who. I do like the concept with the prestige on cards and that is prolly the best thing they done. They should take it further where u can buy the cards with different level prestige or programs based upon getting a certain amount of position players to certain levels to acquire good card. EXAMPLE
96 Diamond Shane Greene
-get 5 live RF players to lvl 3
-get two NL West OF to level 5
-get 10 dodgers to level 2 -