0-5 on perfect/perfect in last 3 games vs human
I just dont understand the game, I dont feel like the bad pcis were hits till the last few days they've definitely ghost patched something.
Last year I could see their .825 or whatever number being real; I bet I’m about .600 this year and without HRs maybe .300. Any liner is an out and most grounders too.
I just wish they'd get rid of the perfect/perfect. It's a terrible addition that suggests results that just aren't realistic.
I must be taking yours cause 90% of my perfects have been hits.and at least 2/3of those xbh
It feels like most of my perfects get lined at 108+mph right into the 3rd or 1st basemans glove. Some go straight to center but always seem to hang up just long enough.
I'll have to track mine, I do feel like mine have been more outs lately, but it's hard to differentiate perception from reality. I did have two in one inning yesterday