Why is hitting feedback so bad/wrong!!!
How do you hit a foul ball on a perfect-perfect and in the center of the green? And no it was not a ball inside!
I love the game and overall I think hitting is great this year but the feedback is really annoying. How is anyone supposed to get better at the game when the feedback is wrong 95% of the time.
I understand the PCI is not the bat head (even though it should be!), but is there something i am not understanding about the timing feedback?
I have even hit inside pitche that I was early on to center. How the hell does that happen? Does physics not apply to this game?
To me it's the most frustrating part of the game! When I play on higher levels I can't rely on the timing feedback to help me improve my approach!
How bout the one where the bat is at a 45 degree angle to the plate with a lhb and it goes to left center with "good"timing.
Or the fact that check swings no longer exist this year even if the swing feedback clearly shows the bat didn’t break the plane of home-plate…not sure which is more frustrating between the umps clearly making the wrong call OR the alternative “check swing” which looks like the MLB player is actually an 8-year old girl afraid of a baseball so he freaks the F out and takes a full swing while falling over his own 2 feet like he’s having a stroke/heart-attack which is unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed while watching an MLB game (heck my high-school team didn’t look this stupid trying to check swing even when facing Rick Procello who admittedly dominated our entire lineup of scrubs)