Yea.. r2 holding p.o.s.
Clear cheating exploit that needs fixed. I dont even quick pitch, use pinpoint and the constant R2 pressing releasing pressing [censored] WILL fook up pinpoint at some point.
Just played the plague of the earth r2 on xbox. Hope you see this scum
I had so someone do that to me. Would hit it for the max off and on off and on on every single ab for 9 innings. I 1 hit him. I use pinpoint so it never messed me up. Not one single time. I just saw it pop up, go away, pop back up go away and if he had time left he would hit it a 3rd time. Then I would aim my pitch and throw. I love the new notification
The only tip I can give you is to wait a few seconds before you start the motion of your pitch. If the no pitch sign shows up just wait it out and then start your motion. Whatever you do, DO NOT let your opponent get the idea it affects you.
Its almost every game now. Get this game off gamepass maybe that will get rid of some these tweeners
I use R2 to see pitchers I am not familiar with once. R2 all game long is pretty [censored] with pinpoint. Just use it back on them and replay home runs. Hopefully you win. People that need cheese are rarely amazing at the game.
Yea just wait a few seconds till they aren’t allowed to hold it and then pitch. Most of those guys can’t hit a lick anyways