1st year need advice
Do I sell everything I’m not going to use or save it? Does worthless stuff have potential to become valuable or no? Appreciate any tips on the market that I can get. Have a good one!
That is a broad question, and it's hard to say without more information.
If you have a categorized card, IE "All Star", "Second Half", etc, they will go up in value greatly when the huge collection reward is dropped into the game.
If it's a live series card, it will generally go down as the season progresses, unless people speculate that the card will get an upgrade due to the players performance during the baseball season.
Cards that are rewards for a limited amount of time will be the cheapest at the end of the program (Events, inning bosses, BR rewards). Then, they will go up gradually until the end of the year because they are no longer available for free.
The easiest way to think about this is supply and demand. If the card is no longer able to be earned or pulled in packs, it will go up in price. If the card is something you can earn all year, or get in packs, the price will go down as more people pull and sell those cards.
as an example, the current event is about to end. Miguel is going for around 50k. At the end of the game cycle, he will be 1 mil stubs or more. So if you want to wait six months, you can buy 10 of him and have all the stubs you'll ever want/need. Most people aren't that patient, but it pays off in the end.
Thank you for the reply!
I’m a collector so I keep everything..my first year I was a sell whatever I’m not using type of guy..but found collecting does yield the good rewards eventually as well as give some objective to the game..for collections. Always buy the silver and gold guys from br, ranked programs. Not taught away but they do go down in price. They could come in handy for the large collection