What determines check swings?
Sometimes I will barely tap the x button and the feedback says I crossed the plane by a ton. Other times I feel like I basically smash the x button and the feedback shows I checked. I'm confused and hungry now.
I don’t know but I can call when I check or don’t at about 95% accuracy so it definitely comes down to user input.
Check swings suckkkk for me.
player discipline in the past, but thank God it has been changed. You use to be able to check swing on literally every pitch
Unfortunately, i think they are called completely randomly....with a heavy weight on any check swing being a strike. Last year, it was weighted that virtually all check swings were called balls, and it got abused by players.....and it got silly....the umps were way to lenient.
My hope is that eventually, it would be a realistic judgment call for umps. If you dont cross the plate, it isnt usually call it a strike....but im not sure if that is within the ability of the games AI yet.
Its one of those aspects of the game that gets adjusted every year, and this year its tough on batters....but thats probably for the best.
Check swing at your own risk.