Stuff not counting... again
Love winning my first BR game and having zero progress earned towards anything. 0/9 wins, 0/15 Ks, etc.
Look at it this way. Now you can do it all over again. Prolonged goals
So far the following gets messed up if the website is down: any showdown progress disappears, any conquest games wont count, stats accrued for Affinity missions wont count, BR points for rewards program wont register, event wins wont count, as well as seemingly random missing xp. I havent messed with ranked games with the website down and i dont want to, ill let someone else try. But everything I listed I have tested multiple times and it is accurate. Proceed at your own risk.
Precisely, when I say the website is down, I mean if you are unable to access your dashboard on
This is ridiculous at this point. Can’t believe there is still people on here defending any of this.
People are well within their right to be upset now.
Bro I am trying to spread the word, but most people won't see my post
My next two games counted just fine, but in a game mode that cost stubs to play... that’s messed up