R3 Shows Pitch Attributes for Control, Break for Each Pitch
When in a pitchers card, you can click in R3 and the pitch listing in the top right will change from Pitch Velocity, to Break, to Control for the individual ratings on each pitch. This is extremely useful to have in game as previously you had to go to an external website to find the rating.
I have been asking for this for years and just noticed it in the game. I don't watch all these streams they do so if they announced this previously I just didn't see it.
Figure it would be helpful for those that didn't know.
Thanks.. I had no idea either
It don't work for online rated using regular MLB teams. It do work in DD hope they fix that I doubt they will.
notoriousHEBreplied to John3221 on May 3, 2021, 6:39 PM last edited by notoriousHEB_PSN May 3, 2021, 6:39 PM
@john3221 said in R3 Shows Pitch Attributes for Control, Break for Each Pitch:
It don't work for online rated using regular MLB teams. It do work in DD hope they fix that I doubt they will.
In DD while looking at cards on manage team it works... I think in the market and throughout the menu... As for in the middle of a game I am not sure if it works there.
It doesn’t work for RTTS either. very frustrating.