Wtf.. help me
Diamond Dynasty
So using my phone i just bought a space 3 pack and picked Joey votto... but know here isnt anywhere to be found?.. or i cant open the pack again to re select him.. any ideas or help thats 40 000 stubs im out?
Has this happen to anyone else and what did you do?
@mandrykm_psn said in Wtf.. help me:
So using my phone i just bought a space 3 pack and picked Joey votto... but know here isnt anywhere to be found?.. or i cant open the pack again to re select him.. any ideas or help thats 40 000 stubs im out?
Check if he is on your team or subs in this app. If he is put him your starting lineup, then he should show up in the game.
He wasnt.. i had buy the 2nd pack and it let me reselect him