R2 needs to go!!!
I saw a few R2 threads on here...so I figured I would make another one. I completely understand the perspective of people who use it to counter quick pitching. However, R2 has entirely too much of an ability to impact pinpoint pitching. People who use pinpoint aren't quick pitching...yet the R2 spammers are out in force. It wouldn't be that bad if you could just hold it once (allowing me to wait for the red x to disappear) and let me pitch. But no...you allow players to spam it and completely throw off the timing of the pitch (which is kind of important with a timing/tracing method). I wait for the red x to disappear...then of course the tracing pattern comes up again (further throwing off timing)...then I go to pitch...and boom just as I start red x appears again. How is this OK? Answer: it's not. This would be akin to allowing the batter to go up and grab the arm of the pitcher as he is about to throw. Is that baseball? I haven't ever seen it. Seriously SDS. Get. R2. Out. Of. The. Game. Now! I already see where this is heading. A whole year of timing up R2 to throw off your opponent. Fun times.
I have never really been one to complain (much) and think that you guys made a great game once all the bugs (we all know what they are) are ironed out, but allowing people to abuse R2 is going to be a game breaking issue. As in...I will break my game and never buy it again.
Oh...and to all the people spamming R2...grow up.
I’m fine with a 5 second timer in between pitches.
This is BS. There was another R2 thread earlier and I was commenting in it like this was MLB TS 20. Well, I just played 3 BR games and learned the R2 cheesing is gone!! They have a symbol come up when your opponent is holding it. So it cannot mess you up anymore! Freaking awesome!