Have 0 stubs
What is going on? I lost stubs last night. Now I lost all my stubs as of 12:04PM. Could someone please help!
@Victor_SDS_PSN @Pat_SDS_PSN @Collin_SDS_PSN -
I have some of them back but am still missing a bunch
They are really mum on the topic as a whole. The support for SDS will refer you back to the online store help and the online store help will refer you back to SDS. Its funny because they talk about high standards and customer service is a core value of their company.
These were stubs I earned from cards I sold. Something strange happened though today. I logged in and it was like I was gifted multiple cards of the same person to sell and I quicksold them and got more stubs than I had lost. No one ever contacted me though. As of last night I did not own the card in question