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who else is having server problems?
@mr_pin_em_down07 said in this site:
who else is having server problems?
Yeah everyone, SDS specialty. Ignore squishiesgirl, the forum troll
Next Gen servers bro! Welcome to the future! It's gonna be a unhandled exception occurred.
@doihearbossmusic said in this site:
@mr_pin_em_down07 said in this site:
who else is having server problems?
Yeah everyone, SDS specialty. Ignore squishiesgirl, the forum troll
You can block them. Highly recommend.
@abbyspapa_psn said in this site:
Next Gen servers bro! Welcome to the future! It's gonna be a unhandled exception occurred.'ve lost connection
@doihearbossmusic said in this site:
@mr_pin_em_down07 said in this site:
who else is having server problems?
Yeah everyone, SDS specialty. Ignore squishiesgirl, the forum troll
Not a troll pointless post gets a pointless answer