New Pitch for a Starting Pitcher
Road to the Show
I hope they didn’t forget this like they did two years ago. But has anyone figured out how to learn a 4th or 5th pitch? I just got called up and last season, that’s when you could learn an additional pitch. But now it just keeps asking if I want to replace, which I think is unnecessary. But that’s just me.
Was wondering this myself
how could they forget this? I don't get it. there has to be a way to get a 4th and 5th pitch. maybe with an update? idk
I wish they would answer this question already. We have only been asking since Friday. I too want to know if they are capping us at three pitches. I'm hoping it's a bug, since in the training scenarios they give the option of replacing pitches every time which is highly...annoying.
Apr 19, 2021, 1:58 AM
Apr 20, 2021, 1:26 PM