Game won’t let me use RttS player
Road to the Show
Every year I move my players from previous years to use them in RttS. I moved one that I’ve used for 3-4 years now, and every time I select play next appearance the game freezes and won’t let me use him. He’s in the year 2021 in game if that means anything. I can use my other RttS players just not him. Please help!
You might try going into 19 and progressing a few days there, and then transferring your player to 20. I had an issue where my SP's stats weren't showing up in 20 and this resolved the issue. The year shouldn't matter so long as you have progressed at least 1 year beyond the title year of the game (i.e. 21 in 20, 20 in 19, and so on). Hope this helps.