Bug Report: load out doesn’t update on “play next appearance” within series
Hello devs,
I have encountered the following bug.
During a RTTS series, if I choose “play next appearance” at the end of a game and choose a new load out, the next game starts but it does not update my load out.
Steps to reproduce (some values given as example):
- Choose a hitting based loadout
- Finish 1st game of series
- Choose to play next game instead of returning to clubhouse
4 choose a pitching based loadout. - Once new game starts, check attributes and note that you still have batting buffs and not pitching buffs, so you still have loadout 1 active.
I forgot to mention this is show 21 on Ps5
I can verify that this is also true on XBox Series X/S
Same thing is happening for me as well. Although it gives you the option to select a new loadout before advancing to the next game, the loadout is not changed.
Has anyone also noticed equipment reset to a default setting every time you load your character [from clubhouse]? Each load out is the same, just perks are shown differently. On the PS4, they actually show a different equipment equipped before reverting to the one you had selected previously. Compression sleeves switch arms, batting gloves on just one hand and bat skins changing to the first one you received (not the on you selected?
Same thing for me on Xbox. What’s the point of being a 2 way player if you can’t change the load outs correctly? My pitcher throws 98 when i preload the layout but if I press play next appearance from a hitter and get ready to pitch, I’m only throwing 88 and getting hammered.
This also happens to me on Xbox. And it's super annoying that it resets my equipment choices every time so any time I change anything I have to go back in and redo how many batting gloves I want, which arms I want sleeves and wristbands on
Agreed. I'm on the Series X. Also with loadouts it does not intertwine with the appearance section which it should.