If this doesn't explain why I despise Moments; nothing will explain it.
Diamond Dynasty
2 days ago all I needed to get 99 Jackie was 8pts.
The only missions left were with 10 H or 3 XBHs in H2H with AS Jackie (10pt each) or the last two Stage 4 Moments where you had to play a 3 inn game (4pts) and 2 3 Inn games without giving up 2 HRs (4pts).
I decided to at the Event and go for the XBHs or Hits.
Well, about 8 hours of playing later (hitting with him in my first AB and quitting if I didn't get a hit) I still need 1 XBH or 3 Hits.
My Event record is 2-45.
I would've had it HOURS ago if games wouldn't mysteriously disappear.
But what are you gonna do when there is no other baseball game out there.