What do you want in RTTS 20
I would love to see them have a NBA 2K like My Player mode where you can buy you play out a story to get to the league. We need more options for swag. 2K does a great job of getting Nike, UA, Adidas, and other companies when it comes to having options for your player. If you can get all of the equipment companies to go for it this game would really sell. Having those options is the reason why 2K makes so much money.
@pogibana said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
There is too much stuff now. I just had a player that there was 4 cut scenes between appearances. The coach asked if I wanted to work on my game, then got the cap/attribute increase. then personality thing with a team mate. then lastly the coach coming in to "check on me" giving me 2x on some attributes. We certainly don't need more junk added to the game. I want to PLAY BASEBALL.
Thank you!!!! Rtts in MLB The Show 19 has been atrocious with cut scenes and even while playing a game the challenge cut scenes stop you from enjoying the gameplay. I want to be able to play a game without the extra stuff. Just give us training points back, let us talk to our agent (get traded, being released, changing to any position) and call it a day.
@hondarrbaby said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
I would like to see a revamp to contracts. Like as of right now, there is really no reason to go for the big bucks in the game. An idea is maybe for every $1,000 you get in your contract, you get 100 stubs, in order to prevent people from simulaying RTTS to get stubs, you must play at least 81 games, or a way to use your contract money in game would be easier.
I agree. Contracts, awards, world series rings, and breaking records need to mean something. These things are vital to a players career. I would like to see more emphasis on these accomplishments. Getting a big contract is a big deal (maybe use mlb network to do a segment on the big contract our player scored). Awards and world series rings should be showed in a display case or something. Breaking records should show which player you surpassed, not just a total number of the most rbi's, homeruns, and basehits. Show every player who has the top 20 records for these categories.
How about having a one-pitch mode if you want to be on the field or watching your teammates from the dugout but don't want to watch every pitch, just the pitch that results in an action. I want to be more involved in the game, especially when I get to the majors, but not have to sit through each pitch.
Also, I like being able to choose a team to play for but why does that option disappear if you decide to play college ball? Or is possible to go back to college for x amount of years and still pick your team and I missed that option?
@pwyinokc said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
How about having a one-pitch mode if you want to be on the field or watching your teammates from the dugout but don't want to watch every pitch, just the pitch that results in an action. I want to be more involved in the game, especially when I get to the majors, but not have to sit through each pitch.
Great idea.
@pwyinokc said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
How about having a one-pitch mode if you want to be on the field or watching your teammates from the dugout but don't want to watch every pitch, just the pitch that results in an action. I want to be more involved in the game, especially when I get to the majors, but not have to sit through each pitch.
I really hope your idea is considered and introduced. Again, not too hard to put in and would be awesome for those who want it, while those who don't want it can leave it turned off and don't even need to know it's there.
There are a few things I would love to see in RTTS however the only one that really grinds on me and is the reason I don't play it much anymore is that you get called up way too fast. Just fix that and I'll be happy
I just want the option to talk to an agent or manager on MY time. I was drafted as a SS for the Indians, (i was hoping to transfer to 2nd or 3rd whatever they needed) but they traded me because I wouldn't play LF. Fine cool, well my new team also had Corey Seager, who evolved into one of the best SS, so they had me be third. Well after a couple years, Seager got bad and retired, and now there's a HUGE hole at SS. I wanna play SS and the backup third baseman is actually better than our starting SS, so it would objectively help the team, but management won't let it happen, and I noticed this hole just after my agent called me, so now I gotta wait a whole cycle of cutscenes before getting back to SS. I should also get to ask specific teams to give offers for FA and ask to trade to specific teams I wanna eventually get back to CLE, and be the SS there.
the game should be able to decide how the in game (live players) get into the HOF, and place them on the correct team. For example, Votto in my game retired as a red, got in as a red, cool. But Pujols retired as an Angel and got in as an angel? Altuve retired after one year of FA and didn't get assigned a team. the game lets you browse team achievements and so many teams have the wrong players and lots don't have any just because guys like King Felix, Pujols, Altuve retire on different teams AFTER they make their HOF case.
For reference on what I mean, this would be like if Griffey Jr got in as a Red, we all know that's not the case -
I want the ability to pick up my cell phone and call my agent if I want to discuss a trade or position change.
I want Agents to be meaningful. Give us a system where there are multiple Agents out there with different specialties. You can get the better Agents if you are a top player, and those agents would have more pull when trying to get you traded or moved to a new position.
I want a picture mode where we can create our own baseball card. This is actually pretty simple. The game already does this in post-game when you win player of the game. I just would like to see it expanded so that you can use the card as a frame and take in-game pics during the Replay, or even add some poses to use in a separate mode. This card then shows up on your Player Card, instead of it being a [censored] grey shadow. Let us create a new card each season throughout our RTTS career and store them in a Gallery. Would be neat to go back and see your cards for the different teams you played for.
Give us a legit trophy room. Winning any awards right now is kind of a buzz kill. I want a room with meaningful game balls, jerseys, bats, gloves, trophies and maybe even posters, newspaper articles, World Series rings, etc. Bonus points if I'm able to move stuff around and have some input on customizing it.
They've taken a step in the right direction with relationships being impacted on the field. They need to do the same thing with rivals though. Maybe this was mentioned, but I didn't see it. If I get beaned by a pitcher, our rivalry should go up. If I hit a walkoff HR in Yankee Stadium, my rivalry should go up for the whole team. The Away crowd should react according to my Rival status with that team. If I'm an unknown, they don't need to be booing me every at-bat. If I destroy them on a regular basis, they should be near hostile when I come to the plate.
If I retire and make the Hall of Fame, make a big deal out of it! Generate a HOF plaque and maybe even a Cooperstown area for your memorabilia. You can take a screenshot or two and immortalize your player. Bonus points if you can make this area persistent among all of your characters.
How about when they show the manager in the dugout or the 3B coach giving signs that we are told what they mean. Right now the signs mean nothing and are a total waste. Instead of that big sign that pops up that says "manager says steal the base" you actually see the sign for it or hit and run or when batting to bunt etc
I think RTTS should be way more RPGish like other's have said. 2K has a great thing going in the beginning of their MyCareer modes, but even it gets stale and things stop happening.
I get that MLB is a much longer grind, so maybe not have something eventful for every single game, but make it feel more like an immersion than a simulation outside of the gameplay.
Then during the gameplay, there is so much they can do. Interactions with teammates/coaches, moments where your player is featured by the announcers/video boards. Etc.
@Maskevic said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
I think RTTS should be way more RPGish like other's have said. 2K has a great thing going in the beginning of their MyCareer modes, but even it gets stale and things stop happening.
I get that MLB is a much longer grind, so maybe not have something eventful for every single game, but make it feel more like an immersion than a simulation outside of the gameplay.
Then during the gameplay, there is so much they can do. Interactions with teammates/coaches, moments where your player is featured by the announcers/video boards. Etc.
Did you watch the stream about RTTS? They said they were going to have those things this year
@pogibana said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
@Maskevic said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
I think RTTS should be way more RPGish like other's have said. 2K has a great thing going in the beginning of their MyCareer modes, but even it gets stale and things stop happening.
I get that MLB is a much longer grind, so maybe not have something eventful for every single game, but make it feel more like an immersion than a simulation outside of the gameplay.
Then during the gameplay, there is so much they can do. Interactions with teammates/coaches, moments where your player is featured by the announcers/video boards. Etc.
Did you watch the stream about RTTS? They said they were going to have those things this year
I did not get to watch it unfortunately, do you believe it will be immersive?
@holliday50 said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
- They've taken a step in the right direction with relationships being impacted on the field. They need to do the same thing with rivals though. Maybe this was mentioned, but I didn't see it. If I get beaned by a pitcher, our rivalry should go up. If I hit a walkoff HR in Yankee Stadium, my rivalry should go up for the whole team. The Away crowd should react according to my Rival status with that team. If I'm an unknown, they don't need to be booing me every at-bat. If I destroy them on a regular basis, they should be near hostile when I come to the plate.
In the RTTS IGN Stream with Ramone, it shows your rivalry with the pitcher increases when he beans you.
That is cool.
@Red_Ted_is_back said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
@holliday50 said in What do you want in RTTS 20:
- They've taken a step in the right direction with relationships being impacted on the field. They need to do the same thing with rivals though. Maybe this was mentioned, but I didn't see it. If I get beaned by a pitcher, our rivalry should go up. If I hit a walkoff HR in Yankee Stadium, my rivalry should go up for the whole team. The Away crowd should react according to my Rival status with that team. If I'm an unknown, they don't need to be booing me every at-bat. If I destroy them on a regular basis, they should be near hostile when I come to the plate.
In the RTTS IGN Stream with Ramone, it shows your rivalry with the pitcher increases when he beans you.
That is cool.
That's awesome! Good catch.