Buying a ps5
sony direct at least abides by their que. walmart is a crapshoot. only reason i was able to get my original ps4 from them was I was a salaried manager and it wasn't ONLINE only.
PlayStation direct might be the best bet. I waited in a queue for almost 2 hours but I got it. You get free express shipping if you have PlayStation plus
i won the walmart lottery....or well I think I did since I got confirmation but shipping on thanksgiving is pretty suspect
My wife won an Xbox from some Facebook charity page she goes on. I just have no idea when it will arrive. Probably gonna end up being next year.
Had 6 different chances slip through my fingers today. Quite frustrating.
I got the ps5 yesterday. I played 2 ranked games. Felt like I was playing the cpu. Frame rate is insane. U don't even need a monitor!
Waiting for a ps5 until February or March when the Show drops for next gen. They should have plenty by then. Just got a pro a few months ago, so I’m content on waiting.
Was right there guys with Best Buy. Hit submit and even though I was signed in and been a member over ten years it asked to type in email verification code. WTH! That extra ten seconds or so may have screwed me as once verified they were out, ugh.
TheGoalerreplied to eatyum on Nov 13, 2020, 1:21 PM last edited by TheGoaler_PSN Nov 13, 2020, 1:23 PM
@eatyum said in Buying a ps5:
I'm gonna try, I was never originally planning on getting one, but I was surprised to find I am in a place where I can afford one, so crossing my finger for the best.
You mean you found a bag of money?
I'll wait, like the VH song. Still love my PS4.
@elway7751 said in Buying a ps5:
Didn't even know today was launch day. Not even remotely interested until after the New Year. I only play like 2 or 3 games at all anymore, so getting a new system is kind of like whatever.
Comes with age I guess.Don't you want to be one of the first to have one so you can brag online and look cool on Facebook, Tik Tok and Instagram???
Last time I bought a PlayStation at launch the next 2 months a different version came out for $100 cheaper with double the gigs. Never again. Don’t see a reason to rush. Don’t think spending all that money to raise my avg to .250 is worth rushing into lol
Just curious, if and when you do buy one, which version are you getting. The $399 or $499.
I'm going for the cheaper version since I only play a few games anyway. -
@elway7751 I’ll just be getting the cheaper one as well. Seems like that’s the best bet unless you enjoyed the novelty of physical copies or a big Blue-Ray fan.
@lazy_toast I hear you on that lol. I would be strongly disappointed. Nobody knows for sure, but I’m hearing rumblings that could be at least a year or two, maybe further away, just because of how advanced the technology is.
The supply and demand doesn’t make sense to me. They’re almost making the ps5 like the McRib where you gotta be fast to get it otherwise you wait a year or longer.
We have a real life BR Chipper and WS Mays situation going on with this. Just give me my ps5
My gf was able to get me one off NFM but there’s only 2 locations in the country and they don’t deliver for the ps5