All Star Custom League
I don't have too many friends who play the show so I'm looking for people to join a league. I'm thinking about starting a league with these rules
10 teams (open to adding more if people are interested)
All Star Difficulty
No Guess Pitch/Quick Counts/Balks
3 Games VS each opponent (27 game season if 10 teams)
4 teams make playoffs (if 10 teams)
Do not have to play everyday but must play a few games a week
Teams are first come first serve
More rules can be made if needed or the majority agreesI am going to take the Yankees
Please respond here with your team if interested and message me so I can add you as a friend
I ordered the digital deluxe so I will launch the league this friday 3/13
I'm interested...phillies
Interested but my schedule to play is somewhat limited to weekends. Maybe one day during the week I could play. Also didn't get digital deluxe so it'll be 3/17 before I have the game.
I would take the Dodgers.
I’m down...! I’m a daily player... Would like the Cubs.... Just let me know.
Message me on PSN my gamer tag is Porter4213
I would like to play as well maybe we can get a good nucleus of guys and build it from there -