Have to agree with others in this event
Played 2 games, won't play any more.
Top of 1st game, guy bunts and steals 2nd. Bunts him to 3rd. Tries to squeeze but I pitch out. He quits.
2nd game. Well, I feel like I am hitting with a pool noodle online anyway with Ruth, etc. Felt like a I was swinging a cooked spaghetti noodle. No thanks.
It appears we’ll have to see what dead ball 2 is about lol
I never say this but this event due to this game’s meta and putting it on hall of fame was dumb
Dude i threw 15 innings with Paxton in a single game.
yea I played 2 games.. both were people who clearly play the game WAYYY too much based on their xp level being at prestige... and all they did was bunt bunt bunt... so incredible that bunt cheese was such an issue 3 years ago and they found a way to let it back into the game.. such trash, so glad I haven't played a lot online this year
@Nanos_McGregor said in Have to agree with others in this event:
It appears we’ll have to see what dead ball 2 is about lol
Dead ball 2, the steroid era. Basically a moonshot event but you play on a little league field.
I feel like they’re baiting us into thinking these awards and event are dumb and pointless and watch all of a sudden they add some fire rewards. They changed the rewards on us in another event, the one with Kenny Lofton and Fred McGriff
@kingss35 said in Have to agree with others in this event:
I feel like they’re baiting us into thinking these awards and event are dumb and pointless and watch all of a sudden they add some fire rewards. They changed the rewards on us in another event, the one with Kenny Lofton and Fred McGriff
Yeah, thats the only reason im playing some of these here and there, the possibility of the bait and switch.
@Hubijerk said in Have to agree with others in this event:
@kingss35 said in Have to agree with others in this event:
I feel like they’re baiting us into thinking these awards and event are dumb and pointless and watch all of a sudden they add some fire rewards. They changed the rewards on us in another event, the one with Kenny Lofton and Fred McGriff
Yeah, thats the only reason im playing some of these here and there, the possibility of the bait and switch.
With how much people don’t like this event that might be the move. I better start playing then lol
Lol, I knew exactly how this event was going to be, so I knew not to bother.