Showdowns need a major rework
I want to be clear, I am very good at showdowns (beat Maddux in the 6th down 15-0 for instance), however, the gameplay and missions (especially) need a major rework. There should never be pure rng moments (ie strikeout the first batter you face, it has a 0 skill component) and perfects need to not be nerfed (I have hit 2 perfect flyball outs with Cobb so far in this run). This isn’t even hard stuff and if SDS spent even a fraction of the time on quality control/testing that they do on the amazing content we wouldn’t have these problems in the first place.
The only issue that i've had with showdown this year isn't the missions or being down 15-0. its the fact for the team affinity grind, if you do not want to do exchanges they make you do it 99 times in order to not spend more than 1,000 stub per entry. I wish it was only 1 time per team. I find it gets very repetitive and that's why i only have 4 teams at 100% right now. lol
@GradektheBard said in Showdowns need a major rework:
I want to be clear, I am very good at showdowns (beat Maddux in the 6th down 15-0 for instance), however, the gameplay and missions (especially) need a major rework. There should never be pure rng moments (ie strikeout the first batter you face, it has a 0 skill component) and perfects need to not be nerfed (I have hit 2 perfect flyball outs with Cobb so far in this run). This isn’t even hard stuff and if SDS spent even a fraction of the time on quality control/testing that they do on the amazing content we wouldn’t have these problems in the first place.
I completely agree. The moments engine is horrid (and RS is not much better). I also did the Maddux and Johnson showdown down 15-0. This hitting engine is so poor. For years I was part of the "Theres little to no RNG in the show" but this year it is impossible to ignore. I should not be nerfed because the game wants to make me sweat/fail. If I square up the ball, it should be a hit of some kind more often than not (I get not every time). And if I miss a pitch, strike me out! No beef on me having to grab some pine if Im very late on a fastball, thats on me.
Maybe too late in the year, but I'm sure there will be improvements next season.
I found this showdown to be the easiest one of the year. Hell, I did it on my first run through.
Kershaw may be an amazing pitcher in RL (in years past anyways), but on veteran, in MLB the Show? He's BP.
But you are right about that moment....I failed to strike him out. Got him 0 - 2 and he hit a f**** bloop on a pitch outside the zone late.
Just make defense normal.
What irks me is the consistent double plays on good or perfect hits. I don’t mind a few but dang it feels like every showdown a double play comes at the worst time and it’s usually a rocket at the SS
I'd like to be able to buy a retry or something. I like the actual showdowns, even though I suck at them, but it's the monotony of working your way to them that keeps me away.