Exchange Experts (The show zone)
So I am finally looking at the show zone and what they show for exchanges for TA. Can someone answer this..
Example: I filter it to show only 70 overall players. It says I would have to buy about 77 of them to get to 50k. The price on there to do that shows like 2600.
Question: Are they accounting for the price going up as you buy more and more of the same card? Seems like that 2600 price tag comes from the current card price X the amount you need to buy?
So that number (2600) would be much higher if you bought 77 of the same card, would it not? -
Correct. But if you want to do it for the cheapest you can do(what theshowzone shows), you wouldn’t be buying 77 of the same card
Also you can accomplish this by submitting buy orders rather then paying the buy now price which 99 percent of the time is more expensive than the sell now price. This is a less expensive approach however it will take some patience as well as people will constantly be undercutting you. Limit your buy orders to 10 or less and do this for multiple players not just one.