Where do you start your PCI?
I used to start it dead center and couldn't hit real well. i also pulled it down no matter what and couldn't hit very well. Then I changed and start it almost on top of the pitchers head and try to move it where the ball goes. I've come to find out that doesn't help either and I still can't hit worth a $hit! I give up.
I start inside middle at all times.
Most people’s strategy is to try to jam you so I sit there, look to turn on the pitch and adjust accordingly.
I also focus on keeping the pci dead still at the release of the pitch. Helps me focus on release point and anticipation.
I try to only make one, fluid movement to the pitch with the pci
Dead Center and I tighten my thumb on the stick to control the PCI.
I've tried just about every position possible and honestly there is no right answer. It's about the same as asking a hitter where he starts his hands. No matter where you start you need to put the pci on the ball to hit it consistently. Starting low may feel like it helps if you are consistantly dropping the pci but you are kind of supplementing for something you arent good at rather than directly attacking the real issue. Use practice tools efficiently, dont go in there and just try to hit the ball, focus on what you know to be your issue and really work on getting better at it. For instance, dropping the pci is largely an issue with people twitching or being jumpy when pushing the swing button. Go in to practice and try relaxing your muscles to eliminate that jump or twitch and the majority of the time the dropping of the pci issue will resolve itself, repeat this and build good habits. End of the day your ability to put the pci on the ball isnt largely affected by where you start it, there are top players who start in all different spots and there is no right or wrong way. I'd stress just to not start somewhere that feels uncomfortable as thags just starting you in a bad situation pre pitch.
That was super long winded, to answer your question, I start middle. I move the pci around before every pitch but let it rest middle just before release.
I find keeping it on the middle helps me take bad pitches. On 2 strike counts I'll cheat high and inside fastballs.
Well, just like in really MLB everyone tries to get you out by throwing FB up and by you. So i always start my PCI up. I do sometimes drop it too low, but for the most part i am able to crush the high to mid FB that everyone tries to throw by me.
@Weshill627 said in Where do you start your PCI?:
Well, just like in really MLB everyone tries to get you out by throwing FB up and by you. So i always start my PCI up. I do sometimes drop it too low, but for the most part i am able to crush the high to mid FB that everyone tries to throw by me.
I wish they threw me high fastballs all the time, in my experience everyone spams low offspeed pitches
I am not that good at hitting, I recently have found some success starting the PCI depending on the hitters swing or seeing best way to hit with each hitter. I have had more success with Mays, Bench and Henderson.
I start top of the zone, center. I used to start at the bottom and then couldn't touch a high fastball. I find it easier to drop my PCI to reach a low pitch than to raise it to it a high one. I don't even have the actual visual of my PCI on as I found it to be too much of a distraction and my hitting improved a lot when I made that switch.
Difficulty level is the driving force for me. On AS I stay center usually dropped a little.
On HOF and up for same handed match ups I start a little up and in. If it's opposite hand I just start up in the zone.